A school nestled in the heart of North-West Delhi, the school strives to provide children with an exposure to learning experiences and opportunities wherein the child can use his existing knowledge base, supplement it with learning in the class and augment it with his experience. That is the premise and philosophy on which the school functions and caters to its young students.
For this, the school is under the aegis of CBSE and Niti Aayog.


The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is one of the most prominent national education boards in India. Established in 1962, it functions under the Union Government of India's Ministry of Education. The CBSE's primary objective is to provide a high-quality education to students across the country, ensuring a standardized curriculum and assessment system, recognition at the national and international levels, and opportunities for students and teachers to participate in various academic and co-curricular activities organized by the board.


NITI Aayog, as India's premier policy think tank, is entrusted with shaping the nation's development trajectory through strategic planning, evidence-based policymaking, and collaborative governance. With a mandate to promote sustainable and inclusive growth, NITI Aayog spearheads initiatives that catalyse innovation, enhance competitiveness, and empower stakeholders across sectors.


AIM, launched by NITI Aayog in 2016, is a flagship initiative aimed at fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among India's youth. Central to AIM's mandate is the establishment and nurturing of Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs) in schools across the country. These labs serve as creative spaces where students can tinker, innovate, and develop problem-solving skills through hands-on projects and experimentation.
