At Lancer's, we commit to shaping independent thinkers, nurturing excellence, and fostering a deep sense of societal responsibility. Our vision is a world where every soul has a dream, guided by a fearless mind, within a rich and innovative learning environment that cultivates knowledge, moral values, and aesthetic appreciation.


We at Lancer's are unsparingly committed to mold and nurture the potential embodied in each child by imparting intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual education. The institution along with parental co-operation shall persistently pursue its goals of creating individuals, who have an independent thought, an urge to strive for excellence, a deep rooted concern for society and above all a consciousness for universal brotherhood. We shall always strive to strike a balance among the pursuits of Academic Excellence, Human Excellence and Environmental Excellence. It is our endeavour to stimulate the human values embedded in each child so that they tread the path of self-realization while at the same time being able to meet the challenges of the increasingly complex world.


We need a world where "Everyone has a dream, every soul has a vision and where mind is without fear" We envision a quality set-up and a rich, humanistic pedagogic and scholar- friendly ambience to make teaching – learning easy, innovative and interesting. We aim to nurture scholars with our single – minded determination and unremitting efforts and help to develop the 3 – dimensional personality of pupils for continuous pursuit of knowledge , commitment to excellence and to cultivate moral and ethical values and a taste for aesthetics.
