At the start of every term, the corridors are bubbling with the enthusiasm of students competing against each other to outshine each other in panel preparation. The result is a beautiful corridor ambience, adorned with best of students' creativity. Eye catching panels with subject relevant matter motivate students not only to understand the subject at their pace but also to introspect. Every quarter, houses /clubs are allotted four strategic panels to showcase various themes. Panels at different strategic positions are allotted to various subject departments, to give an insight into their subjects. Panels are awarded grades by the art department to keep up the competitive spirit.

Panels in front of practical labs give relevant information related to the processes being carried out in the lab e.g., panels around computer lab corridor show topics like the latest versions of softwares, do’s and don’t’s of cyber security etc..

Bulletin boards at Lancer’s make learning visible.They reveal the learning process as well as the product. They also are used as a tool of constant motivation, sprinkled with inspiring quotes, tools for sharing knowledge around a theme, or latest updates on people, product or events and more importantly foster a sense of belongingness among the student.
